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Korean food

Yangnyeom Sauce (양념소스) | Usage, Taste, Ingredients, Recipe

by KOREAN VIBE 2024. 2. 20.

What is Yangnyeom sauce?

The Korean word "Yangnyeom(양념)" generally means "sauce" itself. All kind of sauce, marinade, seasoning, spicies.. they are called as yangnyeom. On the other hand, in a narrow meaning, the red sauce applied on Yangnyeom chicken (양념치킨) - authentic Korean fried chicken - is indicated as Yangmyeom sauce.

We will check out this in the body. 


Yangnyeom chicken ⓒ koreanrestaurant.tistory.com


This suace is versatile. One of widely loved Korean snacks So-tteok-so-tteok(소떡소떡) - deep fried rice cake & sausage skewer - also applies this sauce. 


Yangnyeom applied Korean street food "Sotteok sotteok"  ⓒ koreanrestaurant.tistory.com


What's recommended is to make a full jar of this sauce for refrigerating and use it for snacks. 




Yangnyeom sauce taste

Yangnyeom chicken sauce is a kind of glutitious sweet & spicy chilli sauce which is made out of Korean spices. It offers a delightful balance of sweet, savory, spicy, and tangy flavors, creating a complex and satisfying taste profile.


Yangnyeom on Korean street food "Sotteok sotteok" ⓒ koreanrestaurant.tistory.com


Yangnyeom sauce ingredients

Yangnyeom sauce ingredients can vary slightly depending on the specific recipe or regional preferences, but common components include: 

  1. Thick Korean rice syrup - Mullyeot(물엿) 4/5 cup (220g)
  2. Korean red chilli paste - Gochujang(고추장) 1/4 cup (45g)
  3. Fine grind red chilli powder(고춧가루) 3T (15g)
  4. Soy sauce - Jinganjang(진간장) 3.5T (35g)
  5. Ketchup 1/3 cup (75g)
  6. Light brown sugar 1/3 cup (50g)
  7. Minced garlic 1/2 cup (65g)


Yangnyeom sauce recipe


1. Put rice syrup, red chilli paste, ketchup, soy sauce, minced garlic, chilli powder and sugar all together in a large pan and mix well
2. On medium heat, simmer while stirring
3. Once it boils, remove from heat 



※ Recipe reference: Yutube 백종원의 백종원 레시피 

Simpler Yangnyeom sauce recipe 

½ tbsp (10g) Red chilli paste Gochujang(고추장)
2 tbsp (40g) Ketchup
3 tbsp (36g) Light brown sugar

1 tbsp (10g) Soy sauce Jinganjang(진간장)
1/3 cup (60ml) Water

Put all ingredients in a pan and put it on low heat. Stir until the sugar and paste have melted and mixed well.

※ Reference : Youtube 백종원의 요리비책



The 'Yangnyeom sauce' recipe featured in this article was inspired by Korean chef Paik Jong-won's YouTube channel, known for his expertise in culinary arts. When I followed his sauce recipe, the result tasted like authentic Korean Yangnyeom chicken. However, aside from the recipes shared here, a quick search on Google will unveil a plethora of Yangnyeom chicken and Sotteok-Sotteok sauce variations suggested by numerous bloggers and YouTubers. Hopefully  you could find the most preffered variation and enjoy it! 

