Korea Travel/Cafe & Restaurants

Korean Rice Porridge restaurant, Bonjuk & Bibimbap

KOREAN VIBE 2019. 1. 30. 09:31

Bonjuk & Bibimbap cafe

본죽 & 비빔밥 카페

Fantastic Rice Porridge store



At first, This shop began with few sorts of rice porridge when I was young. But now, it has grown as big company that runs more than 200 branches

You could find at least one Bonjuk shop in almost every city.

Rice porridge has a long history in Korea. Because this is common food that we eat to be recovered from certain diseases (such as stomach aches)

Breaking our common sense like that, Bonjuk created modern porridge culture so that we can enjoy it as normal meal.


● Open hour :  mainly 9.30 am - 9.30 pm  (different up to branch owners)

● Official Website : menu

● Price expected : $7 ~ $20 / bowl

● Location of banches (Google Map)

- Gwang-hwa-mun branch

- Jong-gak station YMCS branch


※ One is in the In-cheon airport :) have not many seats though

※ If you can see these kind of signs below on street, that is one of the branches






Around 60 different menu is available in the shop. I just arranged famous bowls below including my preferences. If you want to see other menu, hit the url of official website written above.


▷ Hangover line (My personal favorite  )

(Spicy) Octopus & Kimchi  porridge  

낙지김치 9,000


Spicy Jjambbong porridge

신짬뽕 10,000


Oyster & Seaweed fulvescens

매생이굴죽  10,000


▷ Traditional yum

Sweet Pumpkin ♥ 

단호박죽 8,500


Red beans porridge topped with sweet potato cube 

고구마단팥죽 7,000 (is half bowl)


Pine nuts porridge 잣죽 10,000


▷ When you are unwell (white porridge line)

Ginseng chicken soup porridge

삼계죽 11,000

(stamina up)


Beef & Mushroom rice porridge 

소고기버섯죽 8,000

(when you have digestion problems)


▷ Healthy rice bowl - Bibimbap (vegan)

Soft tofu bibimbap 


순연두부 비빔밥 7,500


Seasoned Thistle with Rice 

곤드레 비빔밥 7,000

(Steamed leaves flavor :) if you mild taste more)




Hope you enjoy  //



