Korea Travel/Cafe & Restaurants

Korean camping food "Army stew" restaurant, Seoul (Du-kkeo-bi-jib Budae-jjigae)

KOREAN VIBE 2019. 1. 31. 09:50

(photo refefence : 백고미으네 세상)

Du-kkeo-bi-jib Budae-jjigae (Army stew) 

두꺼비집 부대찌개

Budae-jjigae(army base stew) was created due to Korean War

when literally no foods except strange(?) cans from the US army bases



Address: 2F, 714 Suseo-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

● Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/P1mK4amLaZ62

● Open hour: 09:30 - 21:30

● Prices : refer to the "menu" image



For the reason that, its main ingredient is exotically "canned ham" and “processed sausages”


I guess this stew will broaden you horizon about canned food 

You can think of the reason why contemporary Koreans still enjoy this war-food even when they are pretty much afford to make hundreds-thousands ton of fresh foods.

Despite of the sad origin reflecting our modern history, the dish itself is quite lovable that much!


Dense broth, mouth-filling meaty flavour, best match btw Korean spices and processed American hams... 


This restaurant "Du-kkeo-bi-jib" was finally selected for its reasonable price, gueranteed traditional taste and convenient location to access among many Army stew restaurants in seoul.

The first recommendation was made by my friend, consecutively, I searched feedbacks on it for an amount of time in comparison with other Army stew restaurants. 


Hope you can get a chance to be impressed for this "canned-food" cuisine no matter which restaurant you choose to go.




** copyright of all photos is at the Korean bloger "https://blog.naver.com/satto82/221335400544 

** Thank you for the nice pics 

▼When it start boiling, put dry noodles :) or you can put it after enjoying the original taste



▼MENU (translated by my own ^^;)



▼Main door


▼Located at 2F


* 모든 사진은 백고으미네 세상 블러그에서 빌려왔습니다. :) 좋은 사진 올려주신 백고으미네세상님 감사드립니다. 혹시 문제가 될 시에는 연락주세요~
