Korea Travel/Cafe & Restaurants

Gaemijip seomyeon, Busan Spicy octopus restaurant

KOREAN VIBE 2019. 2. 10. 22:05


Busan style stir-fried octopus cuisine, Gae-mi-jip

개미집, 부산 낙지볶음 맛집


The main cuisine of this restaurant "Gae-mi-jip" is "Nakji-bokkeum".


Originally Nakji-bokkeum is made as stir-fried octopus, which is a popular dish in Korea. The origins only dating back two centuries and first being introduced in 1965 (Referred to Wikipedia)

However, Busan city has their own Nakji-bokkeum recipe. 

●  Price: $10 ~ $13●  Official hour :  24 hours●  Location (Google map) : 73 Sincheon-daero 62beon-gil, Bujeon-dong, Busanjin-gu, Busan (




They put shrimp and/or organ of cow with the thin octopus.

Instead of frying, they boil them all together with some stock.


▼Busan style boiled Octopus cuisine




When it's boiled out, you can put bean sprout, chives and dried seaweed with a ladle of octopus stew(?) into your rice bowl.

Making your own bowl of rice mixture fitting to your preference in taste, is the way you can eat Busan style octopus cuisine.


▼ Side dishes are served separately first, then, you can make your own mixed rice bowl as if the first photo above










낙지볶음 + 밥  

Octopus Nakji-bokkeum + rice    

₩ 8,000


낙새볶음 + 밥  

Octopus + Shrimp Nakji-bokkeum + rice    

₩ 9,000


낙곱볶음 + 밥 

Octopus + Organ(beef) Nakji-bokkeum + rice   

₩ 10,000


낙곱새볶음 + 밥  

Octopus + Shrimp + Organ(beef)  Nakji-bokkeum + rice  

₩ 10,000







