Korean food

Korean Ginseng - Physical / Mental Benefits & Side effects

KOREAN VIBE 2019. 10. 4. 13:49



Ginseing Image from Pixabay


Is Ginseng effective positively on the all type of people ? A growing number of pharmaceutical companies are developing Korean Ginseng-based energy supplements & medicines.



Korean ginseng suppliment



Korean ginseng is a perennial herb belonging to the Araliaceae family and has been used as a panacea of ​​the Orient for thousands of years (Park 1996). Korean ginseng consists of carbohydrates (60-70%), nitrogen compounds (12-16%), saponins (3-6%), fat-soluble components (1-2%), ash (4-6%) and vitamins ( 0.05%), the main pharmacological components of ginseng saponins (ginsenoside), acidic polysaccharides, polyacetylene, alkaloids, antioxidant aromatic compounds, gomisin (N and A), etc. have been reported (Park et al. 2003). ). Ginseng is effective in preventing arteriosclerosis through various experimental studies. It has been shown to affect blood pressure, hypertension and heart failure, anti-cancer effects, treatment of sexual dysfunction, anti-fatigue and anti-stress effects (Nam KY 2002).

[ Reference : Young-Chan Kim et al. 2012, Phenolic Acid Composition and Antioxidative Activity of Red Ginseng Prepared by High Temperature and High Pressure Process ]



15centuries of history as medical ingredient

Korean Ginseng has more than 1,500 years of history based on ancient written documents. It was recorded as main trading goods in Korea. The effects of Ginseng has been researched since around AC 799.[Wikipedia]



Korea Wild Ginseng Liquor [ Copyright Flicker@Republic of Korea ]


Heo Jun 『 Dongui Bogam 』, 「 Herbs, Volume 2 」, 1613, which built up the main stream of oriental medicine studies in Korea, describes the main functions of Korean Ginseng like below.

The nature of this drug is slightly warm (some say it is warm), the taste is sweet (some say it is bitter), and it is poison-free. Mostly used for the five viscera qi deficiency. It comforts the mind and the ethereal and corporeal souls. It strengthens the eyes. It opens the heart and adds wisdom. It treats deficiency syndromes. It stops hiccups and vomiting caused by intestinal convulsion and treats vomiting of phlegm caused by lung atropy. It resolves phlegm


성질이 약간 따뜻하고[따뜻하다고도 한다] 맛은 달며[쓰다고도 한다] 독이 없다. 주로 오장의 기가 부족한 데 쓴다. 정신과 혼백을 안정시키고 눈을 밝게 하며, 심을 열어 지혜를 더하고 허손을 치료하며, 곽란으로 구토하고 딸꾹질하는 것을 멎게 하고 폐위로 고름을 토하는 것을 치료하며, 담을 삭인다.

Scientifically discovered main functions 


Goodbye "Infections"

Ginseng is an powerful "Heat generator" above all. The "warm drug" in oriengal medicine means it increases your body temperature, which is not the surface of your skin, but the core inner body reaching to the heart. David Rand, the professor of Mathematics and directs the Warwick Sustems Biology Center in University of Warwick, said, body temperature has pivotal role in control of the inflammatory response. Also, Yale University has found when the core body temperature inside the nose falls by 5C, the immune system does not work as well [Refer to nationalpost.com]. Like it said, the "warm drug", Ginseng plays a role to strengthen your immune system. If you have many type of infections here and there, try ginseng supplements for mid-term.


You will forget to say "Tired"

Are you always tired ? Are you always looking for energy drinks or supplements ?

"Ginsenosides" in ginseng controls the hormone working on energy generation, and improves blood circulation - Oriental medicine expresses it as "Gi". Ginsent will pack you up with full of Gi. In addition, the well-known antioxidant "Polyphenol", another major component of ginseng, will remove oxide, the fatigue material together with Ginsenosides. When you intake ginseng products for a mid/long-term with right amounts, you can experience the chronic fatigue getting fade away, and feel easier to keep vibrant life style. 


You will forget about "Aging"

Those two materials, "Ginsenosides" and "Polyphenol" don't limit its influences just at fatigue level. Those two guys are leading "Anti-aging" in your bio-clock - Some researches say it even rejuvenates your skin. Even though "Anti-aging" functions cannot reverse the entire aging history that you already got through, it helps to fix broken part of your body system, such as uneven produce of male/femail sex hormone ( erectile dysfunction )  and oxidized cells which causes aging itself. In some cases, the Ginsenosides works in the treatment of cancel cells too. This is why it is called "miracle panacea". 


Your mood gets better, now you can have better night sleep 


"A healthy mind is embedded in a healthy body". Have you think about why your mind is full of negative thoughts for all day long, or your mood is getting sensitive ? There could be many complex personal reasons though, in some cases, the uncomforts of your inner body can cause the bad moods. The mechanism is simple. What if your brain cells couldn't get enough blood for working due to immune reactions happening in other part of your inner body ? 

Studies have shown that Korean ginseng is also effective in mental stability. Rural Development Administration(RDA) conducted a clinical trial of 70 patients for 12 weeks with the Department of Mental Health Medicine, Kyung Hee University.
Thirty-five experimental groups who took 3 g of ginseng powder capsules per day were found to have reduced mental stress and improved sleep quality compared to the rest of the controls. In particular, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale, which measures anxiety levels, showed a 40.9% reduction in anxiety than the control group, the researchers said. Interview Kim, Jong-Woo (Professor, Department of Mental Health Medicine, Kyung Hee University): "Stress reactions can cause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc .. When ginseng is taken, these things are alleviated." (@KBS News 2016)



Based on the results, Korean government organization RDA is developing mental care supplements using Korean Ginseng ingredients.





Potential Side Effects

Unfortunately, Ginseng doesn't work for all type of people. You can suffer from side effects if it doesn't fit to your body type. If you are a type of person who has high body temperature, you can even faint out after eating raw ginseng. 

Use only a small amount of it in summer. If it is excessively used in summer, tightness in the chest will occur. [B045] 

Ginseng Radix (人參) moves lung fire. Therefore, do not use it for the people who vomit blood or cough for a long time. Also, do not use it for the people who have black faces and excess qi, or blood or yin deficiencies. Use Adenophorae Radix (沙參) instead. [B073] 

It corresponds to the lung meridian. [B156] 

Heo Jun 『 Dongui Bogam 』, 「 Herbs, Volume 2 」, 1613
여름철에는 조금만 써야 한다. 많이 쓰면 심장이 당긴다[心痃]. 《본초》  인삼은 폐화(肺火)를 동하게 하니 피를 토하거나 오래도록 기침하는 사람, 얼굴이 검으면서 기가 실한 사람, 혈허나 음허한 사람에게는 쓰면 안 된다. 이 때는 사삼으로 대용할 수 있다. 《단심》 수태음경에 들어간다.

Besides, fever, strong pulses & uncomforts in the heart are reported as side effects. 



4 Types of human body in Sasang constitutional medicine (@Kwangdong)


To know if it fits to you, you need to check out "Sasang constitutional medicine". It categorizes the types of human body into 4 (it developed as 16 types after then). If you are "Tae-yang" type person that the theory says, NEVER eat any ginseng in your life ! We say "So-yang" also has too much heat to eat ginseng. For the "So-eum" type people, angel will fly to you with the bless of ginseng. For more information about body typology, you can check out Wikipedia, and Kwangdong(pharmaceutical company) blog https://kdoriental.blogspot.com/2016/07/what-is-sasang-constitutional-medicine.html



So I picked Red Ginseng, is that all ok ?


Red ginseng is steamed and marinated ginseng about 6 times. During the process, the ratio of "Ginsenosides" contains increases, and the risk of side effects drops down. So to say, we can take only benefitial part of ginseng with low risk. But you still better consider about the body typology. 


Terminology of Red ginseng products

If you pick one of red ginseng products, you will see not understandable symbols such as Rg1+Rb1+Rg3. 

Rg1 is a component that improves fatigue and improves memory.

Rb1 is responsible for analgesic, psychostable, and cholesterol synthesis.

Rg3 inhibits cancer cell metastasis and inhibits platelet aggregation.

The recommended daily intake of ginsenosides Rg1 + Rb1 + Rg3 is about 10mg for adults. For young children, less than 3 to 5 mg is suitable for adults. ( Reference : Chosun.com )



Red ginseng contains caffeine, such as coffee and green tea, or when taken with blood pressure pills and female hormones, the drug is too strong and can cause side effects.


How to intake

Fasting intake is good because red ginseng is absorbed on an empty stomach. Saponins are water soluble, so eating them with food can reduce their absorption. However, if your digestive system is sensitive, you can eat it within an hour after eating rather than on an empty stomach.




Hope you find good & healty supplements for your happier day !






The Dongui Bogam (동의보감) is a Korean book compiled by the royal physician, Heo Jun (1539 – 1615) and was first published in 1613 during the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. The title literally means “a priceless book about medicines of an Eastern Country”. The word "Eastern" is not the antonym to the Western World's 'Western', but Heo Jun gave the book such a name because Eastern Country was one of the sobriquets of Korea. The book is regarded as important in traditional Korean medicine, and is one of the classics of Oriental medicine today. As of July 2009, it is on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme. The original edition of Dongui Bogam is currently preserved by the Korean National Library. It was translated to English in 2013.  ( Refer to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongui_Bogam )


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