Korea Travel/Cafe & Restaurants

Rice wine brewery Neu-lin ma-eul, Seoul, Korea

KOREAN VIBE 2019. 2. 8. 00:57

ⓒ배상면주가 포천LB ( https://meesig.com/items/459 )


Neu-lin ma-eul is a brand name of a leading rice wine brewery. The brewery opened several rice wine pubs that have its own brewing system in the place.


> Brand name : 느린마을 / Neu-lin ma-eul /, Slow village

> Restaurant name : 느린마을양조장 & 푸드 / Neu-lin ma-eul yang-jo-jang & food, Slow village brewery & pub



●  Price: around $25 ~
●  Official hour: 5pm - 1am
●  Website: http://www.slowbrewpub.com/

●  Location (Google map)

- Yangjae (original location)

- Gangnam branch



Rice wine brewpub ⓒ배상면주가



You can enjoy 4 levels of maturity of rice wine in the shop.

They named the levels following seasons like 'spring', 'summer', 'fall', 'winter' :)

Getting to the 'winter' level, the taste is getting less sweeter and more alcohol-flavored.




> spring : 1~3 days old, fresh, sweet, light sparkling 

> summer : 4 ~ 6 days old, fresh, rich sparking

> fall : 7 ~ 9 days old, mellow, smooth acidity

> winter : 10 days old, real alcohol lovers' rice wine



Rice wine bewpub interior design ⓒ배상면주가



One good news for curious people & rice wine lovers is that you can use '$10 unlimited' drink package. When you order this 'unlimited', you can drink 7 different rice wines for 2 hours.

Also, great dishes in the pubs would fulfill your palate pretty well. I picked several cuisines among the menu which have mostly positive feedback


▼ 양조장 돼지목살 그릴 스테이크 Grilled pork steak (marinated with rice wine)





▼ 낙지호롱구이 Spicy octopus skewer





▼ 해물파전 Seafood & green onion savory pancake





▼ 제육 두부김치 Braised pork & Kimchi fry with tofu (eat tofu with the fry)








