Korea Talk

South Korea Quarantine Rules For Foreigners - Up to date

KOREAN VIBE 2022. 1. 2. 15:59
On 28th January 2022, Korean Government announced new entry rules acompaning significant changes relavant  quarantine exemption, period of quarantine as well as origin of departure. Contents written in this article is valid up to 3rd February, 2022. Click here for revised quarantine rules of Korea later on.

S. Korea Quarantine Rules for Foreigners - From 4th Feb, 2022

VALID DATE - Start : Feb 4th, 2022 (0:00, GMT+9) - End : Not fixed yet SOURCE This article is interpreting public announcements made by Korean government through official "COVID-19" website. Origin..


This article is interpreting 2 up-to-date public announcements published in Korean government's official "COVID-19" website since 10th December, 2021.(~1/20, 2022)

Some details were supplemented based on people's real experiences of quarantine. If you want to follow original form of announcement(written in Korean) about foreign arrivals, you can check out this board.


COMMON ENTEY REQUIREMENT is only a “NEGATIVE” PCR Test result taken within 48 hrs
(Effective from Jan 20th, 2022)
=> If NOT proper, entry is refused right away.
**Refer to relavant attachments at the end of this article


Quarantine exemption policy has been suspended for all foreign arrivals due to Omicron variants outbreak. 10 days of quarantine is mandatory as of now, up to February 3rd, 2022, which would potentially be extended later on. In addition, quarantine place and times of post-arrival PCR test are differed by the one's visa type and country of departure.


The Korean government updated policy about foreign arrivals releated to pandemic today (Dec, 30th, 2021). The arrivals are devided into 2 big types, and 5 detailed types like below. You can check out full information of your type in the body part of this article.

Type A : Departures from Africa
A-1 : From 11 High risk countries (Omicron virants relevant)
A-2 : From the other African countries, with short-term visa
A-3 : From the other African countries, with long-term visa

Type B : Departures NOT from Africa
B-1 : Short-term visa holders
B-2 : Long-term visa holders

Photo By Anna Shvets, Pexels






Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Lesotho, Malawi, Botswana, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia (Version of 30th Dec, 2021)

Quarantine place

One of designated facilities
(hotel or dormitory)

Post-arrival PCR test

3 times
(1st, 5th, last day)

Quarantine Cost

About 120,000 KRW per day
-> Currently paid by Korean government

* 3meals a day, daily health check by call, emergency care, fees of handling medical waste, personal thermometer, mask, sanitizer and wifi included

How does it flow

<1> Flying w/ PCR result paper
<2> Incheon airport arrival
<3> Get through health & Customs check section

  • health check (PCR) & Wait for the result following their guide
  • "Self-quarantine Safety Protection" app download
  • "Self-quarantine Safety Protection" app install
  • fill in quarantine papers
  • immigration (passport check)
  • baggage claim / customs
  • transportation (Paid)

<4> Quarantine in a designated facility for 10 days

  • Answering phone 1~2 times a day
  • Checking your body themperature and fill in your symptoms in the app(you installed in <3>) 2 times a day
  • Going out for PCR test 1~2 times
  • Eat 3 meal boxes
  • Chill out

<5> Exit following phone instructions

  • If the hotel/dorm is in the middle of city, you could simply walk out
  • If not, there could be free shuttle bus at certain time
  • Or you can call a certified taxi with extra fee(pricy~)


** Short term visa holders from these 11 high risk countries are not allowed to enter**




Quarantine place

One of designated facilities
(hotel or dormitory)

Post-arrival PCR test

2 times
(1st, last day)

Quarantine Cost

About 120,000 KRW per day

* 3meals a day, daily health check by call, emergency care, fees of handling medical waste, personal thermometer, mask, sanitizer and wifi included

How does it flow

Same to [A-1]'s




Quarantine place

Your own place (Airbnb if you reserved) or One of designated facilities (hotel or dormitory) by your choice

Post-arrival PCR test

2 times
(1st, last day)

* You would take the 1st day test as soon as you arrive. You would be guided to move to your quarantine place after getting the test result only when it is Negative.

▶ If quarantine in a facility

Quarantine Cost

About 120,000 KRW per day

* 3meals a day, daily health check by call, emergency care, fees of handling medical waste, personal thermometer, mask, sanitizer and wifi included

▶ If quarantine in your place

  • You would walk to local public healthcare center on the next day of your arrival. You have an option of taking certified taxi too, which is paid. You can ask for the taxi to whom is in charge of your quarantine (a government officer). It's the person who call you to inform about PCR test and so on.
  • A boxful of instant foods will be gifted from the local government


How does it flow

▶ Quarantine in a facility

Same to [A-1]'s

Quarantine in your place

<1>~<3> : same to [A-1]'s
<4> Quarantine in your place for 10 days

  • Answer the call from local health center's quarantine officer
  • The officer might ask you to photo the quarantine paper and send it to them on their own way
  • Checking your body themperature and fill in your symptoms in the app(you installed in <3>) 2 times a day ("GPS" must be ON for the app 24hr 7)
  • Going to local health center for PCR test by walk or certified taxi on the last day of your quarantine. To call the taxi, you can ask for it to whom is in charge of your quarantine as a government officer and call you to inform about it.
  • Enjoy your own time

<5> Finish the quarantine

  • You will hear when/what time your quarantine is up by the health center's officer. You can live as normal after the time. However, if your last PCR test result has not come yet, you need to wait more until it comes. (Go get the last test early in the morning!)









Quarantine place

One of designated facilities
(hotel or dormitory)

Post-arrival PCR test

1~2 times
(1st & last day OR only last day)

Quarantine Cost

About 120,000 KRW per day

* 3meals a day, daily health check by call, emergency care, fees of handling medical waste, personal thermometer, mask, sanitizer and wifi included

How does it flow

<1> Flying w/ PCR result paper
<2> Inchen airport arrival
<3> Get through health & customs check section

  • "Self-quarantine Safety Protection" app* download
  • "Self-quarantine Safety Protection" app* install
  • fill in quarantine papers
  • immigration (passport check)
  • baggage claim / customs
  • transportation (Paid)

<4> Quarantine in a designated facility for 10 days

  • Answering phone 1~2 times a day
  • Checking your body themperature and fill in your symptoms in the app(you installed in <3>) 2 times a day
  • Going out for PCR test 2 times (in 1day, on last day)
  • Eat 3 meal boxes
  • Chill out

<5> Exit following phone instructions

  • If the hotel/dorm is in the middle of city, you could simply walk out
  • If not, there could be free shuttle bus at certain time
  • Or you can call a certified taxi with extra fee(pricy~)



Quarantine place

Your own place (Airbnb if you reserved) or one of designated facilities (hotel or dormitory) by your choice

Post-arrival PCR test

2 times
(1st & last day)

▶ If quarantine in your place

  • You would walk to local public healthcare center on the next day of your arrival. You have an option of taking certified taxi too, which is paid. You can ask for the taxi to whom is in charge of your quarantine (a government officer). It's the person who call you to inform about PCR test and so on.
  • A boxful of instant foods will be gifted from the local government

▶ If quarantine in a facility
Quarantine Cost

About 100,000 KRW per day

* 3meals a day, daily health check by call, emergency care, fees of handling medical waste, personal thermometer, mask, sanitizer and wifi included

How does it flow
▶ Quarantine in a facility

Same to [B-1]'s

▶ Quarantine in your place

<1>~<3> : same to [B-1]'s
<4> Quarantine in your place for 10 days

  • Answer the call from local health center's quarantine officer
  • The officer might ask you to photo the quarantine paper and send it to them on their own way
  • Checking your body themperature and fill in your symptoms in the app(you installed in <3>) 2 times a day ("GPS" must be ON for the app 24hr 7)
  • Going to local health center for PCR test by walk or certified taxi on the last day of your quarantine. To call the taxi, you can ask for it to whom is in charge of your quarantine as a government officer and call you to inform about it.
  • Enjoy your own time

<5> Finish the quarantine

  • You will hear when/what time your quarantine is up by the health center's officer. You can live as normal after the time. However, if your last PCR test result has not come yet, you need to wait more until it comes. (Go get the last test early in the morning!)




Criteria for submission of PCR test negative confirmation(English)


FAQ regarding submission of PCR negative confirmation for overseas entrants


PCR test relavant Certified hospital lists in Philippines, Uzbekistan, Cebu

