Korean Language

Why NOT to ask "How are you" in Korean

KOREAN VIBE 2021. 10. 13. 19:58


Natural Korean expressions for "How are you"

Google translate suggests "어떻게 지내세요?" for "how are you", which sounds not wrong. I think commonly used expression is more like "잘 지내셨어요?" - The ending of phrase can be variant a little by the relation between you and the listner, yet please don't mind it now. No matter who they are, you can say "잘 지내셨어요?" to ask how they are.


"How are you" in Korean by Google translate
My suggestion as the most common "how are you" expression


When does "How are you" sound awkward?


In first meet up
For native English speakers, "How are you" is common greeting. You can ask it to anyone. In Korea, however, it's only acceptable when you already know the person. Fundamentally, "잘 지내셨어요?" is to ask how they have been since you met them last time. Therefore, asking how they are in Korean language would sound awkward in the first meeting with Koreans.

When you guys see each other often
If you saw someone just a couple days ago, you don't need to check how they are. Personally thinking, even one week of gap sounds not enough for this greeting. "잘 지내셨어요?" is more appropriate to use for people you haven't seen in a while, such as old school friends.

Do you wanna learn working greetings?

Unfortunately, there's no all-around "how are you" substitutions. However, it could be good chances to show your wit and keen skills of observation better.


* Phonetic transcriptions

- Written in Red -> Google translate’s suggestion (Official Korean->English phonetic transcriptions)
- Written in Yellow -> My American friend’s “real sound” suggestion.

Morning greetings

좋은 아침입니다!
joh-eun achim-ibnida!
Good morning!

안녕히 주무셨어요?
annyeonghi jumusyeoss-eoyo

annyeonghi joo-moo-SHOS-a-yo?
Did you sleep well?

주말에 푹 쉬셨어요?

jumal-e pug swisyeoss-eoyo?

jumal-e pug shwee-SHOS-ay-yo?

Did you have a good rest over the weekend?

Lunch greetings

점심 식사 하셨어요?

jeomsim sigsa hasyeoss-eoyo?

jeomsim sigsa ha-SHOS-a-yo?
Did you have lunch?

General Welcoming


oah sah oh sey yo!

Hosting guests

차 많이 안 막혔어요?
cha manh-i an maghyeoss-eoyo?

cha manh-i an mah-KYOSS-oh-yo
Wasn't there much traffic?


Hope you can find your favourite greeting expressions according to your patterns of human relation.

Finger cross !

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

