Korean food

Yangnyeom Sauce (양념소스) | Usage, Taste, Ingredients, Recipe

KOREAN VIBE 2024. 2. 20. 16:31

What is Yangnyeom sauce?

The Korean word "Yangnyeom(양념)" generally means "sauce" itself. All kind of sauce, marinade, seasoning, spicies.. they are called as yangnyeom. On the other hand, in a narrow meaning, the red sauce applied on Yangnyeom chicken (양념치킨) - authentic Korean fried chicken - is indicated as Yangmyeom sauce.

We will check out this in the body. 


Yangnyeom chicken ⓒ koreanrestaurant.tistory.com


This suace is versatile. One of widely loved Korean snacks So-tteok-so-tteok(소떡소떡) - deep fried rice cake & sausage skewer - also applies this sauce. 


Yangnyeom applied Korean street food "Sotteok sotteok"  ⓒ koreanrestaurant.tistory.com


What's recommended is to make a full jar of this sauce for refrigerating and use it for snacks. 




Yangnyeom sauce taste

Yangnyeom chicken sauce is a kind of glutitious sweet & spicy chilli sauce which is made out of Korean spices. It offers a delightful balance of sweet, savory, spicy, and tangy flavors, creating a complex and satisfying taste profile.


Yangnyeom on Korean street food "Sotteok sotteok" ⓒ koreanrestaurant.tistory.com


Yangnyeom sauce ingredients

Yangnyeom sauce ingredients can vary slightly depending on the specific recipe or regional preferences, but common components include: 

  1. Thick Korean rice syrup - Mullyeot(물엿) 4/5 cup (220g)
  2. Korean red chilli paste - Gochujang(고추장) 1/4 cup (45g)
  3. Fine grind red chilli powder(고춧가루) 3T (15g)
  4. Soy sauce - Jinganjang(진간장) 3.5T (35g)
  5. Ketchup 1/3 cup (75g)
  6. Light brown sugar 1/3 cup (50g)
  7. Minced garlic 1/2 cup (65g)


Yangnyeom sauce recipe


1. Put rice syrup, red chilli paste, ketchup, soy sauce, minced garlic, chilli powder and sugar all together in a large pan and mix well
2. On medium heat, simmer while stirring
3. Once it boils, remove from heat 



※ Recipe reference: Yutube 백종원의 백종원 레시피 

Simpler Yangnyeom sauce recipe 

½ tbsp (10g) Red chilli paste Gochujang(고추장)
2 tbsp (40g) Ketchup
3 tbsp (36g) Light brown sugar

1 tbsp (10g) Soy sauce Jinganjang(진간장)
1/3 cup (60ml) Water

Put all ingredients in a pan and put it on low heat. Stir until the sugar and paste have melted and mixed well.

※ Reference : Youtube 백종원의 요리비책



The 'Yangnyeom sauce' recipe featured in this article was inspired by Korean chef Paik Jong-won's YouTube channel, known for his expertise in culinary arts. When I followed his sauce recipe, the result tasted like authentic Korean Yangnyeom chicken. However, aside from the recipes shared here, a quick search on Google will unveil a plethora of Yangnyeom chicken and Sotteok-Sotteok sauce variations suggested by numerous bloggers and YouTubers. Hopefully  you could find the most preffered variation and enjoy it! 
